PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder) Common AND Treatable

PTSD Basics

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop with anyone who personally experiences or sees a life-threatening event. It's normal to have stress reactions to these types of events, and most people start to feel better after a few weeks. If symptoms last longer than a month and are causing problems in your life, it could be PTSD. The good news is that there are effective treatments to help you recover.

Symptoms of PTSD

Experienced or witnessed a life-threatening or extremely traumatic event with:

·        Persistent upsetting memories, nightmares or reminders of the event

·        Avoiding persons, places and things that remind you of the event

·        Negative thoughts and feelings about yourself, others and the world

·        Difficulty enjoying activities

·        Difficulty concentrating, sleeping, relaxing

·        Moods with irritability, being on-edge, and anxious

·        Symptoms last more than 1 month, create distress or impair function

 Do People With PTSD Get Better?

Our survival reaction to trauma is often to attempt to avoid all memories, feelings and talk about the trauma. For some people this may be effective, but if symptoms last longer than 1 month you should seek help. Talk to a doctor or mental health care provider (like a psychiatrist, psychologist, counselor or social worker) to help you decide what to do.

Dr. Chatlos has many years of successful experience working with people with severe trauma. Medication is usually not necessary and will be the first part of an evaluation. Evaluation will be wholistic as PTSD affects thoughts, feelings and behaviors – total mind, body and heart. A major part of PTSD often dismissed in treatment is your “spirit” as PTSD leads to a loss of faith in yourself, in others and even in your life and the world. All of this will be considered for your recovery. 

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